At Galho, we believe in the power of change
and the impact individuals can make when they come together for a common cause.
That’s why we’re proud to introduce “Project Pollinate,” our heartfelt initiative
to save the bees and support our farmers which will help us nurture a sustainable future for all.
If you’re ready to be the change and make a positive impact on Nagaland’s biodiversity, this initiative is for you.
Together, we can ensure a thriving ecosystem for generations to come, support local beekeepers,
and make Nagaland a better, brighter, greener place for all.
Join us in our mission to save the bees by adopting a beehive.
Your adopted beehive box will be gifted to a bee keeper.
Your support can make a world of difference.

Skilling & Training
At GALHO we acknowledge the benefits of beekeeping as a livelihood diversification strategy and income source for farmers through our training and mentorship programs for beekeepers. We have organized training programs aimed at beekeepers of all levels, from beginners to experienced beekeepers. These training programs cover various facets of beekeeping which includes hive management, queen rearing, disease prevention, sustainable beekeeping practices, and honey harvesting techniques. By providing free bee boxes as part of our organization’s training support we significantly lower the barrier to entry for aspiring beekeepers, especially those who may not have the financial means to purchase their own equipment. We measure the social benefits stemming from increased interactions and networking among beekeepers, fostering a sense of belonging and support within the community.

Veteran Beekeepers as Master Trainers
GALHO’s experienced cadre of Master Trainers have ample knowledge and experience specific to the beekeeping practices and challenges in Nagaland. Their understanding of local flora, climate conditions, and bee behaviour considerably benefit training programs by providing contextually relevant insights, leading to enhanced livelihoods and sustainable development.

Employment Generation
“Beekeeping has opened up avenues for micro entrepreneurship for GALHO beneficiaries in Nagaland. Local carpenters collaborate with us to ensure that they receive comprehensive training that meets standards local requirements. Linkages between carpenters and beekeepers have been established to create a sustainable market for beehive construction services.

Women & Youth Empowerment
“We monitor the participation of women beekeepers and evaluate the ways in which their newfound income contributes to education and improved livelihoods. Through interviews and focus groups, we gauge the empowerment and decision-making capacity these women experience. We measure the involvement of youth in beekeeping, assessing how the training and opportunities provided align with their aspirations and economic growth. We analyse their participation rates and the extent of their engagement.